3 Signs It's Time For New Commercial Windows

Commercial spaces can have just as many windows as residential buildings. In fact, many commercial buildings feature large or irregularly-shaped windows that serve as architectural design features.

The glass that is in these windows must be kept in good condition at all times. Faulty commercial glass could lead to window failure, which has the potential to cause an injury to a customer or employee.

Here are three signs that you should be looking for when wondering if it's time to replace your commercial windows.

1. Visible Damage

The most obvious signs that indicate the need for new commercial glass are signs of visible damage.

Does the glass in your windows have cracks or chips? Is the surface of the glass scratched? If you do see these signs of visible damage, you will want to invest in the installation of new commercial windows.

You should also pay attention to the frame and sash of commercial windows when looking for visible damage. Temperature fluctuations and extreme weather can cause shrinking seals or gaskets, cracking, and discoloration of the sash and frame.

2. Heat Loss

Quality windows don't just provide you with a view—they contribute to the overall energy efficiency of your commercial space.

Modern windows are supposed to prevent the transfer of heat between your commercial interior and the outdoor environment. If you notice a sudden and unexplained increase in heating or cooling costs, this can be a sign that your windows need to be replaced.

Installing new windows can help you reduce your energy consumption and save a significant amount of money on utility costs over time.

3. Fogging and Condensation

You should pay close attention to the appearance of your commercial windows early in the morning or late at night. These times of day represent periods where there is likely to be a big difference between the temperature outside and the temperature inside your commercial building.

This temperature difference can cause your windows to fog up if they are not in good condition.

Fogging occurs when moisture is allowed to penetrate the inner and outer panes of glass in a commercial window. This penetration occurs because of damage to the seal that runs around the perimeter of the window.

Since it is nearly impossible to replace just the seal, installing new windows when you see evidence of fogging and condensation will help you restore the integrity of your commercial space. Reach out to a service such as Boulevard Glass & Metal Inc for more info.

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See Right Through It: A Glass Blog Did you know that until the 1500s, most glass that was made had a cloudy look? Clear, colorless glass wasn't invented until the 1500s, and it didn't become popular until the 1700s when people started using it for windows. Clear glass is very common today, but not all of our glass is clear. We also use a good amount of colored glass and clouded glass as a population. And glass has a wider array of uses than ever before. There are entire buildings made from glass, marbles and other toys made from glass, and even fake eyeballs made from this hard material. Learn more about glass as you peruse this website, which we hope serves as an excellent resource.



