No Hurricanes? No Problem! 3 Reasons Every Homeowner Needs Impact Resistant Windows

Impact-resistant windows are a must in coastal areas that are hit by hurricanes on a regular basis. Only an impact-resistant window will be able to remain intact when faced with the extreme winds and flying objects that occur during a hurricane.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that just because you don't live in a hurricane-prone area you can't benefit from impact-resistant windows, too.

Here are three reasons why every homeowner needs to look into impact-resistant windows for their homes today. 

1. Prevent Accidental Injury

The glass that is found in traditional windows can quickly become a safety hazard upon impact. Traditional windows are not designed to withstand any type of serious impact.

In the event that someone falls into the window or an object comes into contact with the window, a traditional window will shatter. Shattered glass has the potential to cut a person or cause serious damage to the interior of your home.

Impact-resistant windows will never shatter, so you can easily prevent any type of accidental injuries related to shattered glass by swapping your traditional windows for impact-resistant ones.

2. Increase Energy Efficiency

The energy efficiency of your home is directly related to the amount of money that you pay in utility costs each month. Windows can be a major source of energy loss in the home.

It is possible for heat to be transferred from your home's interior to the outside environment through traditional windows. This heat transfer forces your HVAC system to work harder to maintain a constant temperature inside your home. Impact-resistant windows virtually eliminate the possibility of heat transfer.

Your home's interior will remain comfortable with minimal effort on the part of your HVAC system after installing impact-resistant windows. Reducing the workload of your HVAC system can minimize energy expenditure, which lowers your utility costs over time.

3. Improve Home Safety

The safety of your family is very important. Impact-resistant windows can add to the overall safety of your home so that you don't have to worry about your family being put into a compromising position.

Impact-resistant windows can make your home impenetrable. These windows cannot be pried open from the outside, and they cannot be broken to provide a would-be intruder with access to your home.

You can rest assured knowing that your home is protected against unwanted intruders when you choose to install impact-resistant windows. 

Reach out to a window company near you for more information.

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See Right Through It: A Glass Blog Did you know that until the 1500s, most glass that was made had a cloudy look? Clear, colorless glass wasn't invented until the 1500s, and it didn't become popular until the 1700s when people started using it for windows. Clear glass is very common today, but not all of our glass is clear. We also use a good amount of colored glass and clouded glass as a population. And glass has a wider array of uses than ever before. There are entire buildings made from glass, marbles and other toys made from glass, and even fake eyeballs made from this hard material. Learn more about glass as you peruse this website, which we hope serves as an excellent resource.



