4 Advantages Of Custom Glass Shower Enclosures

Glass shower enclosures are attractive design features that can be used to contain water and partition your shower from the rest of your bathroom. Ordering a custom shower enclosure can allow you to tailor your glass shower enclosure to fit your preferences and space.

These are some advantages of a custom shower enclosure.

1. Give mold fewer places to grow

Showers tend to be warm and wet, which are exactly the conditions that mold requires in order to thrive. Even despite regular cleaning, mold can cling to shower curtains, making your bathroom seem dirty and unkempt. Mold can be hazardous for your health, so it's best to reduce the possibility of mold growth in your bathroom as much as possible. Custom glass shower enclosures can be used to replace traditional shower curtains. A glass enclosure will keep your bathroom clean and dry while giving mold fewer porous surfaces to stick to.

2. Modernize your shower

Trends change over time, including trends in architecture and home decor. The bathrooms in older homes can therefore look dated, putting a damper on the overall aesthetics of your home. You can easily modernize your bathroom by replacing your current shower enclosure with a custom glass shower enclosure. Glass offers clean, minimalist lines that can complement any style of decor. Replacing your shower is an easy way to invest in updating your bathroom.

3. Make your bathroom seem larger

Large, spacious rooms tend to be hallmarks of luxurious homes. Not everyone can afford a home with a large, expansive bathroom. However, you can make the most of your current square footage by replacing your current shower with a custom glass enclosure. Because glass is transparent, glass shower enclosures can make your entire bathroom look bigger. Glass shower enclosures can be a great fit for bathrooms that currently feel dark and cramped. Giving your bathroom the illusion of more space can help you feel comfortable every time you use it.

4. Customize your level of privacy

Some people may hesitate to invest in a custom glass shower enclosure because they're worried about losing their privacy in the bathroom. Fortunately, glass shower enclosures can be easily customized. You can choose the type of glass used to create your shower enclosure to personalize your level of privacy. Frosted glass and patterned glass can be used to obscure the view into the shower. This can provide additional modesty for people who desire it.

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See Right Through It: A Glass Blog Did you know that until the 1500s, most glass that was made had a cloudy look? Clear, colorless glass wasn't invented until the 1500s, and it didn't become popular until the 1700s when people started using it for windows. Clear glass is very common today, but not all of our glass is clear. We also use a good amount of colored glass and clouded glass as a population. And glass has a wider array of uses than ever before. There are entire buildings made from glass, marbles and other toys made from glass, and even fake eyeballs made from this hard material. Learn more about glass as you peruse this website, which we hope serves as an excellent resource.



